Gearbox service and inspection
We provide service and inspection of the gear box on site or by our service teams for visual inspection, checking for pitting and tooth break or full revamping of your old gear box changing wheels and pinions.
The Stord service technicians, can also perform endoscopic gearbox inspections, followed up with a written report, including findings and recommendations. Our gearboxes can be maintained, repaired, or upgraded.
Heavy duty gearbox
The original Stord design heavy duty gearbox is an integral part of the Stord press and is aimed to withstand high torque and durability in operation.
Read more about our Stord Twin Screw Presses in our brochures:
- Brochure: Stord Twin Screw Presses for the Sugar Industry
- Brochure: The Stord Flightbuilder
- Brochure: The Original Twin Screw Press for the Rendering Industry
- Brochure: The Original Twin Screw Press for the Seafood Processing Industries
Contact us
Send us your question in the form below or call our office at
+47 55 98 40 20